

CTM Bicycles have been manufacturing bicycles for the past 20 years. Their goal was to increase sales not only in Slovakia but also abroad, and in other words, they wanted to be able to compete with the best. For this vision to become reality, the company needed to overhaul its presentation, strengthen overall brand positioning and improve its ability to sell more expensive models.


Trends in the cycling industry are set by western brands. While CTM’s bicycles can match the quality and design of their western counterparts and are also able to compete on price, the company’s presentation didn't clearly communicate this message. It had to be strategically readjusted so that it would be unrecognisable next to competing brands from Germany and the UK. Our strategy was, therefore, based on a powerful presentation tool - product photography. It would promote the company at exhibitions, catalogues, advertisements and Internet.

Product Photography

Professional product photos creating a wow-effect that are suitable for use in catalogues, billboards and Internet.

Product Catalogue

A high-quality printed catalogue containing complete product portfolio and fine-tuned photos that make their way to the hands of the sales team and potential customers.

Lifestyle photography

Photos capturing sports events and everyday life moments add a human dimension and nicely complement other product photos in the catalogue.

Graphic Design

Design of a product catalogue that helps make a good first impression and goes hand in hand with the company’s visual identity and bicycle design.

Product Catalogue

One of the main objectives of the product catalogue was to evoke an impression of high quality and technological advancement. The reason behind it was simple. CTM wanted to beat other established brands, such as Specialized, Felt or Canyon, at their own game and surpass them in the visual department.

CTM product catalogue and photography | BOLD


Product photos


annual issues


Catalogue pages


Modern, aggressive and dynamic design of CTM bicycles is presented in a simple way. The layout puts spotlight on bicycles and everything else seamlessly blends into the background. Since the catalogue was going to be published in multiple languages, text was kept to a minimum and the design instead made use of universal symbols and pictograms.

CTM product catalogue | BOLD

Presentation & Photography

Product photos were an essential component of the high-quality presentation. CTM offers a wide range of bicycles in their portfolio and it was, therefore, a necessity to develop an effective system of capturing and retouching photos that would ensure optimal balance between quality and effectiveness.

  • CTM produktový katalog 2014 | BOLD


CTM’s investment in marketing and advertising borne its fruit. The exponential growth proved that our strategy worked. One of the key determinants of this strategy's success was a consistent approach to marketing. Repositioning of a brand is, however, not a matter of months but rather years.

CTM sales results | BOLD


Sold bicycles (2011)


Sold bicycles (2014)


Sales growth

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